11257 Alta Dr. Suite 101 Jacksonville, FL 32226

Top 5 Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments at Northpoint Dental

Dr. Sara Makary

Smiling has been known to boost one’s self esteem especially when one has a beautiful smile. At Northpoint Dental, we offer cosmetic dental treatments that enable you to have the smile you have always wanted. Below, we highlight our five most popular procedures that will help you achieve the smile of your dreams. 

1. Professional Teeth Whitening 

Whitening of the teeth still continues to be one of the most common cosmetic dental procedures. It is useful in treating skin discolouration due to skin aging, unhealthy lifestyles, and heredity. With time, substances such as coffee, tea, red wine and tobacco also lead to stained teeth while smoking also discolors the teeth, and as people age, the enamel of the teeth wears away thus making the teeth appear less shiny. 

So, at Northpoint Dental, we provide teeth whitening services that are professional and guarantee the best results. Unlike the store-bought whiteners, our in-office laser whitening and the custom take-home kits provide even whitening without causing sensitivity of teeth. This way, our approach guarantees that you can get the desired bright white shade of the teeth as per your requirement. 

2. Orthodontic Clear Aligners 

If a person wants to have a better aligned and more aesthetically appealing smile then clear aligners are ideal. These aligners are clear, unlike conventional braces, meaning that you can afford to fix misalignment and bite problems without anyone noticing. This is the most advanced method of teeth alignment and is suitable for both adults and teenagers who do not wish to have metallic braces. 

The process involves of using a set of clear aligners that fit only your teeth to gradually move your teeth to the desired position. You wear a new set every two weeks, and slowly guide your teeth to the proper alignment. The aligners are also not fixed and therefore you can eat and drink whatever you want without worrying about damaging the braces and also brush your teeth as you normally do. 

3. Porcelain Crowns and Bridges 

Dental porcelain crowns and bridges are both restorative and aesthetic dental restorations. A crown, or cap, is utilized to cover and reinforce teeth that have been compromised, for example, after a root canal procedure or from severe cavities. These are fixed prosthetic restorations that are made to match the color, size and shape of your natural teeth for both form and function. 

While bridges are used to fill the gap of missing teeth in the mouth. They are cemented to the neighboring teeth, sealing spaces and recreating the aesthetic and structural appearance of your teeth. Ceramic crowns and bridges that are used at Northpoint Dental are strong and resemble the natural tooth color, so the teeth that are restored will not only be functional but also beautiful. 

4. Porcelain Veneers 

Dental veneers are one of the most effective procedures that can help to correct a number of cosmetic issues such as misaligned teeth, stained teeth, chipped teeth, and spaces between the teeth. These thin shells are then cemented to the front of your teeth and they give you a perfect look since they hide any flaws. 

Veneers are made from tooth-colored porcelain and are very esthetic as well as non-porous and therefore not prone to staining. It usually takes a patient only two visits to Northpoint Dental to complete the process. On the first appointment, we will make your teeth ready and make an impression, which will be used to fabricate your veneers. At the second visit, your veneers are ready to be cemented and your teeth will be as bright as new and they will reflect light just like the natural teeth. 

5. Dental Bonding 

Dental bonding is an inexpensive and fast method of correcting cosmetic defects of the teeth. During the initial appointment, our cosmetic dentists can fix damaged teeth such as chipped, cracked, crooked or discolored teeth using a tooth colored resin. This resin is applied and then cured using a UV light which makes it bond well and last longer on the surface. 

Once the resin has been hardened, it is then carved and polished to match the color and appearance of the rest of your teeth. Dental bonding also helps to correct spaces between the teeth or to restore the tooth structure damaged by early stages of cavities. This is one of the most affordable cosmetic dental procedures and most of the time, you won’t even need an anesthetic or time to recover. 

Obtain Your Dream Smile at Northpoint Dental 

Cosmetic dentistry has become advanced and there are many procedures that can improve your smile and at Northpoint Dental in Jacksonville, FL we will be glad to assist you get the right solution for your situation. Whether it is whitening your teeth, aligning your teeth or fixing minor flaws, our team of professionals will ensure that you leave with a smile that will make you feel good about yourself. 

11257 Alta Dr. Suite 101 Jacksonville, FL 32226
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