11257 Alta Dr. Suite 101 Jacksonville, FL 32226

(904) 439-8300

11257 Alta Dr. Suite 101 Jacksonville, FL 32226

(904) 439-8300

Philips Zoom! Teeth Whitening in Jacksonville

Need to be photo ready? Transform your smile in a single day.

veneers in jacksonville

Everyone deserves a smile that lights up the room. If you're seeking a quick, effective, and pain-free solution for teeth whitening in Jacksonville, you've come to the right place. Our professional in-office treatment with Philips Zoom Whitening promises to elevate the brilliance of your smile. It's no wonder both dentists and patients rave about the simplicity and comfort of the process!

Experience the Magic of Zoom WhiteSpeed Light-Activated Whitening System

Imagine achieving a smile that's up to eight shades brighter in under an hour. Sounds dreamy, right? The Zoom Chairside Light-Activated Gel, combined with the state-of-the-art Whitening LED Accelerator, makes this dream a reality. Together, they work harmoniously to dissolve the stains on your teeth, without altering their structure. The best part? After just three 15-minute sessions, you'll walk out flaunting a dazzling, rejuvenated smile.

Is Philips Zoom Whitening the Right Choice for You?

Teeth whitening in Jacksonville with Philips Zoom is a game-changer for many. It's particularly effective in addressing yellowish stains caused by aging, tobacco, beverages like cola, tea, coffee, and red wine. However, if your teeth have a grayish hue due to chemicals like tetracycline, the results might be subtler, but still noticeable. Don't worry – during your personalized shade assessment, our expert, Dr. Makary, will guide you on the potential outcomes tailored to your unique smile.

Transform Your Smile Today!

A radiant, sparkling smile can be a game-changer, instilling newfound confidence and positivity. Don't let stains hold you back. Dive into the world of Philips Zoom Whitening with Northpoint Dental and rediscover the joy of a confident smile. Contact us today and schedule your transformative teeth whitening session in Jacksonville!